Friday, March 30, 2007
ok..... I need someone who cud pick me up when i'm down. Someone who i cud confide with. Someone who wud laugh at my jokes no matter how silly they are. Someone who cud motivate me. Someone who i can look forward to evrytime i wake up in the morning. Someone i cud hug like a carebear. Someone who wud tolerate my crappiness. Someone who i can hold hands wif. SOmeone who wud never call me homosapien wif pole. Someone who wud never make me her spare part. I need dat someone..Aiyah..Fark it..~cheers~ Thursday, March 29, 2007
Ok go... Money..A thing dat every man needs..Man will do anyting to get it...And i mean anyting. Money..The most venomous thing.. Money..The thing dat cause huge fights Money..The main cause of povert Money...The main cause of corruption Money is fucking evil..Damn man... Somebody cute has got chicken pox i tink..hehe..Cute uh..I'm sorry u cannot go ur clt course..or u cud..But wateva the case..good luck den..I'm sorry i don mingle well wif ur frens..Like i said..i juz need time to adapt to pple..Tkcr ok? Dats all then..And to all..Suport the S.A.M.A.D foundation..Rembat! Sunday, March 25, 2007
Expo expo here i come..if u see me at the cashier juz say hi la hor?hehe..tired uh..need sleep..ciao! Friday, March 23, 2007
The dosage of laughter i get from my colleagues at John Little is really really...ermmm..overdose la actually,,haha!We juz met for like 3 days but we're pals now...Haha!And we werk at the same floor which makes werk difficult becoz of the my colleagues..I'm looking 4ward to werk actually..really am..Rather staying at home and tinking abt dat(lets not spoil my mood now shall we?)......nvd..might as well go to werk and get tings going and done..u guys rock my socks!! I dunno who is dat person ur talking abt in ur entry but if its for me...den all i hv to say is..its ok..i noe how difficult it is..the insecurity...the pain..i noe the pain cannot be erased wif juz a snap of the fingers..U need time..time to recover and get back on ur feet..I really respect any decision u make for urself...Slow and steady k my dear?U cn do it..yeah!!But if its not for me..den i'll juz look at the mirror and laugh at myself.. Oh ya..and as 4 u young lady..i hate u..ok..i hate u...u hear?And oh..see the link list?ur not there..see my friendster frens?ur not there either..too bad..i don wan to hv anyting to do wif u..Oh yah..for ur info..I'M NOT STAGING ANYTING LA HOR?U tink wat?acting is it?i luv my life least now i'm on my own and there are no strings attached to me so i'm not a yoyo anymore..haha!I;m sorry for wat i did...i really am..times changed now.. k den...ciao! Thursday, March 22, 2007
Ok..since someone is jealous coz i keep toking to her i guess i gotta stop it then..And since i got no one to share my excitment or to tell abt my werk..then i shud tell u guys out there who are reading my blog..Sheeesh!Tu pon nk kecoh..ape je.. I tot my werk was boring..u noe juz minding ur own business blablabla..But hell..theres a lot of crazy frens out there who keeps me and the rest of us going through the long and greulling hours..10 hours to be exact..But i had a great time actually!Hahaha! I'm some kond of a promoter for a stoopid toaster oven..And pple ask me the strangest questions..Is it good?How many WATTS does it have?Where is it made from?Hah!Yeah if i got an ans to those questions..I feel like saying..go to the internet and do ur own research la..ass!Hehe! Someones going off soon..2nd april if i'm not mistaken..:((( If only i had money..then we cud still chill outside..but i get my pay kinda late..Sheeesh!Nvd..still got otehr tings to worry abt..I'm a freaking worrier.. Ok pple..thx for lending ur eyes to me..[for those whose face are like"huh?Wat the hell dis idiot talking??"it means..thx for reading..] Hahaha!!Wawaweeeeeeewa! I'm game..gotta jet! Monday, March 19, 2007
Oh hi!Yay!Got a hoody at last..but its ermmm..kinda big but i sure hope it will shrink soon..Sheeesh!I gotta eat alot..Working soon..And thx to my punchcard is in his bag which is in his locker at work..Damn!Hope he'll get it coz i'll be working soon.. Oh yeah!At last after all dis years..i finally got a taste of a Ramli burger at a pasar malam near my place..The taste..sheesh!How i wish i got a truckload full of burgers...I'm a burger ghost!I luv burgers..And now i'm hungry..:(( One more ting...Wat was dat.....hmmmmm....ermmmm...Nothing..ciao! Labels: Burgers..i like Friday, March 16, 2007
My saviour...haha!these pple are my cuzins who are very crazy and likes to talk cock and crap like me..I learnt how to talk cock from them alot..And they make me 4get abt schoool and my worries...If we live under the same roof..Its gonna be pure madness!Yeah! p.s:I realise dat my eyes are freaking big!Wow...sweet! -=looking forward to the gifts=- Thursday, March 15, 2007
Ok..hi yeah.. First stop...Results..Atrocious if u ask me..Sheeesh!Don wanna tok abt it..But i wanna thank one lovely teacher who passed me despite of the stoopid trojan(a virus) which ate half of my project files..Glad i passed!Yeah!But still..i'm gonna be in 2nd year..Its so damn fast..Kewl huh! Next stop...Work..Working nxt week..Finally..bloody hell...I'm gonna get u u lovely little shoe..And wen I do...haha!Don wanna elaborate it no more... Last life has been quite messed up wif dis and dat...but lucky for me..there are still frens and family who are my liseteners..Thx pple!I dunno wat i'll become if it wasn't for u guys..Sheeesh!I'm talking like i won a grammy award or sumting... Times ticking....gotta jet! Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Here i was beside you..All so real and pretty..We were like holding hands in a shopping centre..Cannot really rmbr..It feels so real..Then poof!Its gone..I woke up and cursed myself..All of it feel so feels so real..I tink i was smiling when I'm sleeping dat time.. Well..simply said..I had a dream of you today and it felt so real..:P Simply said..You're juz bringing me down..Reading ur blog juz brings me down further..Ur like some ghost dat snatch away my thought,happinness and laughter.It scares me to tink of you..Really it does coz all those feelings will start to rekindle again..Sheeesh! Fuck it..Wats done is done orite..U get dat?I'm happy dat ur happy and evryones happy. Its time i make my decisions and stop being under ur hot and shiny light..It hurts me la..coz ur light is too hot.. Ciao! Sunday, March 11, 2007
Its over Ur t-e-r-m-i-n-a-t-e-d GOODBYE! Saturday, March 10, 2007
The train was on the way to nowhere..I looked at the emergency brake lever..Alot of tings lurked into my broken mind.I stared at it and grasped it tightly wif the palm of my hand.I closed my eyes and..............................................i stoppped..Someting made me stop..I wanted to stop the train and asking the driver to go back..but someting made me stop..I sighed..sat down and looked out the window..Trying to enjoy the scenery and at the same time get tings of my chest.. Thursday, March 08, 2007
So now...I'm a freelance rhythm guitarist..Looking for a band to play in..Anyone!Any band!Take me!!Pick me!AAAArgh! I have no clue of wat to write..All i can say is... -=your talk is cheap=- Bye! -=Oh pretty pretty baby..When are you gonna be mine?=- Wednesday, March 07, 2007
Ok... I came home wif some new clothes I bought..Pretty content wif them and hung it at my cupboard..My bros were like"Wah!Nice la ur clothes"I smiled.. Then 2 weeks later my bros asked if they cud wear my new stuff.I said yes.. 2 weeks later.. planned to wear my new pants and when I opened my cupboard..Guess wat?Its gone!Poof!juz like dat..My bro wore it..I was so damn mad.I juz wore it for like once or twice.. Another week later..I planned to wear my new polo shirt...So i opened my cupboard and yet again...It disappeared...I was insane..Angrily insane....aaaaH! No permission anyhow take...Funfair ah??And then become their permanent stuff.So i have to resort to being stingy abt my stuff..sometimes..I go to the extend of hiding my new stuff in somewhere safe.. and each time when they are getting ready to go out..I will check them out...This is how my life werks throughout till now..But hey..they're still my flesh and blood..Hahaha!Blood bros!! Maybe i shud buy a gerls shirt and hang it in my cupboard..Hahaha!!Joke of the year if dat happens.. P.S:Who are u pple!!!![a saying from Patrick Starfish] Tuesday, March 06, 2007
Hey..Juz a short one b4 I set off to my dream world.. Todays was ok la..Went to school to play soccer at the street soeccer court wif my peeps..And the heat was really unbearable..if u were to put an egg on my could get cooked..Really hot!!Sheeeesh!But i had fun lotsa fun!The effects after playing soccer was damn shiok!Coz I feel damn fresh and not weak like i was before.. YAWN!Gdnite! Monday, March 05, 2007
Hello!How r u guys?Never been better..Life has been quite good to me dis days..Today...gonna be sports day for me..weee!!Wif my class..haha!so bored at home and i tend to tink abt bad stuff..So muz keep myself from thinking abt it.. Maybe i shud stop annoying u wif late night msgs..Coz u nvr reply them..Sorry if i do...But..not giving up is wat i will do..:) But anyway..congrats on ur new shoe!Haha!Mine coming soon.. :D Y the hell do pple say dat my face looks familiar..Strange..haha! Had a long talk wif Asyron juz now on the train and yes pple..I'm gona cut my hair..Its kinda messy and pple will tink i'm a fucking emo kid which will make my blood boil..But my patience owaez overcome dat anger of mine..Which is great!k den..ciao! Thursday, March 01, 2007
The moment u asked me who the blog entries are for..I was abit surprised..But i got a gut feeling u knew who they were for..But if u dunno..well its for u...muahaha!But i refused to tell u coz i said "she's not ready."I noe ur not ready..Hehehe!So yeah..u got me u oweaz do.. ok den..ok go!! |